Category: Education Resource - page 2

Indigenizing the Curriculum: Foundational Questions

  The Indigenization of the British Columbia curriculum requires new constructs for leadership, Indigenous pedagogical practices, perspectives and content, and a vision for changing paradigms. A process such as Halbert and Kaser’s (2013) spirals of inquiry can help educators realize that learning is not linear but recursive. With respect to Indigenization, they suggest consideration of..

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Web of relationships and impact on values

  We are who we are partly because of who we associate with.  Perhaps you remember your parents cautioning you to choose your friends wisely. Perhaps you are a parent who understands this and has given similar advice to your own children.  Even the contemporary business literature recommends that as adults we are aware of..

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Adult education methods to teach from depth

  What does it mean to teach from depth?  It connects to the principle of adult learning that adults are internally motivated and build on prior life experience when they learn.  Motivation is tapped into and amplified through reflective techniques and critical discussions that help the adult make sense of the new learning and situate..

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Active Learning Opportunities

The heart and soul of teaching well is designing, sequencing and planning active learning opportunities around engaging and compelling content.  This is creative work that requires the educator to research solid content aligned with the learning objectives and discern effective means of sharing and engaging learners with that content. Furthermore, it requires the educator to..

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How to Indigenize the Curriculum

On its website the Justice Institute recommends the following 10 ways to indigenize the curriculum: Acknowledge the local First Nations traditional territory Use experiential, and lifelong learning approaches Work with Elders and infuse culture into curriculum Visit Indigenous communities for field trips, events, and feasts Use the oral tradition, telling stories, with guest speakers such..

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