Saskatoon program lives reconciliation

Reconciliation, Coventry Old Cathedral By  Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register January 19, 2023 Calls to Action 59 and 60 in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada implore Church leaders to collaborate with Indigenous spiritual leaders on curriculum to open the eyes of congregations, theology students and seminarians about the Church role in the legacy of residential schools..

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Developing others

When you help others reach their potential you are demonstrating strong relational skills in terms of individual and team development. By providing a supportive climate, you inspire others to strive and improve.  You have strong communication and interpersonal abilities. You establish collaboration, cooperation, and mutually rewarding relationships. You are capable of confronting and challenging others..

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Highly self-aware leaders have developed their sense of purpose, they act from their internal centre, consciously expressing their core values. They ‘walk the talk’ and understand their strengths and challenges. Leadership self-awareness is a constant inquiry into ourselves and others’ experiences.  Consider how you react when you or your ideas are criticized, when a colleague..

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When you lead authentically, you relate to others and lead from your true self not masked by organizational politics, looking good, winning approval, etc. As an authentic leader you take tough stands, bring up the “un-discussibles” (risky issues the group avoids discussing), openly deal with relationship problems, and share personal feelings/vulnerabilities about a situation. Being..

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What do popcorn and ethical leaders have in common?

popcorn in ceramic bowl

Each of us sees the world through a value structure whether we formally acknowledge it or not.  This is true – if you recall when you were in school you learned about stories and discussed the meaning and value of the message – narrative analysis based on good and bad.  There was a good character,..

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Your Words are Powerful

As an Amnesty International supporter since my university days I’ve signed up to write. Will you? “Our words have power. That’s the idea behind Write for Rights, Amnesty International’s global letter-writing campaign that happens on or around December 10th (International Human Rights Day). We’ve been doing it every year for 20 years and today, it’s..

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Beyond Epsom Salts: Evoking awe and wonder to get through

When I’m going through a challenging time I can evoke the experience I’m going to describe and find deep peace and transcendence.  Back in 2014, I went to the Northwest Territories with my then-teenaged daughter to visit a friend. One night, we had already gone to our room for the night and our friend banged..

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Getting everyone on your team to work to their skillset

I’m new to my position in people development in the Healthcare arena, and since it is not currently possible to explore the context due to COVID restrictions, I’ve been researching in an effort to better understand. For past research endeavors, I’ve often gone to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as a reliable..

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The Grace to Grow Deeper: A Case Study of Environmentalism in a Canadian Christian School

As the season changes and the bright fall colours envelope us, I would like to focus on creation care and what schools can do. Here’s an article that my colleague Dr. Allyson Jule and I collaborated on. Abstract Successful environmental pedagogy in faith-based schools has not been well explored even while most Christian schools in..

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