Tag: Life long learning

Developing others

When you help others reach their potential you are demonstrating strong relational skills in terms of individual and team development. By providing a supportive climate, you inspire others to strive and improve.  You have strong communication and interpersonal abilities. You establish collaboration, cooperation, and mutually rewarding relationships. You are capable of confronting and challenging others..

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Beyond Epsom Salts: Evoking awe and wonder to get through

When I’m going through a challenging time I can evoke the experience I’m going to describe and find deep peace and transcendence.  Back in 2014, I went to the Northwest Territories with my then-teenaged daughter to visit a friend. One night, we had already gone to our room for the night and our friend banged..

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National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada

Today, Sept. 30th marks the first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. As recommended in a very informative communication I received this morning from Amnesty International Canada (below), I have registered for a virtual tour of the Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School, courtesy of the Woodland Cultural Centre. It is a powerful walk-through..

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Stillness – concluding thoughts

The experience of stillness has the benefits of increased attentiveness and detachment while at the same time nurturing connectedness to a bigger picture and deeper meaning. This can be illustrated by Saint-Exupery’s desert experience. In Dec. 1935 Antoine de Saint-Exupery, author of The Little Prince, crashed in the desert. In his story of survival in..

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How leaders can incorporate stillness: challenges and potential solutions

This penultimate post suggests methods for incorporating stillness and identifies challenges as well as potential solutions for those interested in incorporating stillness as part of leading self and others in a VUCA world. Harvard Business Review authors Talbot-Zorn and Marz (2017) wrote a blog titled “The busier you are, the more you need quiet time”…

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Benefits of stillness for leaders

This post explores persuasive benefits or leaders to create stillness in their own lives. Stillness is relevant for twenty-first century professionals. Professionals, indeed all individuals seek significance, yet faced with insecurities, rejection, failures and shame can be rendered immobilized or otherwise inhibited in their authentic contribution to the greater whole of the organization. Stillness is..

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What is stillness and how is it connected to leadership?

This post explores the conceptual and theoretical base of stillness as it relates to leadership. Ryan Holiday, a contemporary thinker and writer on ancient philosophy and its place in everyday life, asserts that many philosophies of the ancient world believed that stillness was necessary for leaders to think, be creative, write and make decisions (2019)…

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An example of a business person who incorporates stillness in his professional life

This post offers an example of a business person who incorporates stillness in his professional life. The example sheds light on the discipline of stillness and how the development of a contemplative mind can serve the professional and the organization. Peter Ng Kok Song is an example of a business person who incorporates stillness in..

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All Our Relations

“In Canada, half of all First Nations children live in poverty, the life expectancy of First Nations people is five to seven years less than that of other Canadians, and the practice of placing Indigenous children in foster care remains a significant issue.  Secondary school graduation rates for First Nations youth living on reserve are..

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Learning to trust ourselves in difficult situations – Adult Education

We see the world through our own lens which is why knowing ourselves is so very important. What parts of your past trigger reactions in you? Where do you find you are at your best? What is important to you? What bothers you? If you can articulate these things clearly then you will have more..

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